BSL Bible Translation Project –
The Bible has been translated into many languages down the centuries, but for Deaf British Sign Language (BSL) users, the Bible has not been translated into their heart language.
This is where the BSL Bible Translation Project comes in. The BSL Bible Translation project are working towards the completion of the Gospel of Mark, launching a new website and are looking to embark on the translation of two further books – one from the Old and one from the New Testament.
To translate Mark discussion has included New Testament Greek, BSL and English. After discussions, draft versions of the Bible verses are filmed in BSL. These then need checking accuracy by comparing to the Greek and for clarity by Deaf community focus groups. Finally, the verses are ‘studio’ filmed and made available online at (To be updated soon).
Over the next two years BSL Bible Translation Project are planning to develop our work in the West Midlands by establishing new focus groups. train specialist translators to work on new Bible texts, connect with schools and churches to share the current translation work and share the Gospel of Mark in BSL.
If you are interested in this project, and would like to know more, especially if you are Deaf, please do get in touch.