Welcome to our Publications page, featuring recent reports, articles, books and other resources produced by the Trust or linked to Trust-funded projects. Click on the buttons to buy, download or request.

Title: Personal Knowledge: Teaching Place-Based Religious Ethics for a Climate Emergency [includes reflection on the RE:Connect RE and Environment Teacher Fellowship Programme]
Authors: Jeremy Kidwell
Publisher: Journal of Moral Education (3 July 2024)
Price: Free Download

Title: Hikaru: Name Above All Names
Author: John Prockter
Publisher: Catalyst Youth Trust Publishing (2023)
Price: Check booksellers’ own websites
Available from various Book Sellers

Title: Further Education Chaplaincy and the Church: Listening to the Needs of Staff and Students in Further Education
Authors: Nigel Roberts
Publisher: St Peter’s Saltley Trust (2023)
Price: Free to download

Title: RE:Connecting RE and Environmental Crisis: Reflections on a Pilot Teacher Fellowship Programme
Authors: Ian Jones and Jeremy Kidwell
Publisher: Professional Reflection (a supplement of REToday Magazine) 40:3 (Summer 2023)
Price: See current price on RE Today website

Title: ‘ “All the Children were engaged and excited by the climate change topics in RE”: The RE:Connect RE and Climate Crisis Teacher Fellowship Programme’
Author: Zoe Higgins (a RE:Connect Fellow 2022-23)
Publisher: RE Today Magazine 40:2 (Spring 2023)
Price: Click to visit publisher’s website for details

Title: Chaplaincy as a Reframing and Expansion of Youth Ministry – Initiating and Developing an Occupational Standards Ecumenical Project in the UK for Chaplaincy with Ages 5-25
Authors: Sally Nash, Paul Nash and Nigel Roberts
Publisher: Journal of Youth and Theology 19:2 (2020), pp. 124-138
Price: Click below to see journal access charges on publisher’s website

Title: Muddy Church: An Introductory Guide
Author: Wendy Coleman
Publisher: Grove Booklets (April 2023)
Price: £3.95 at time of publication

Title: Researching ‘Faith’ beyond the Congregation
Authors: Fran Porter and Ian Jones
Publisher: Ecclesial Practices Journal (published online 16 December 2022)
Price: Click to visit publisher’s website for details

Title: Categories of Discourse about Church of England Primary Education
Authors: Stephen Pihlaja, Dan Whisker and Lisa Vickerage-Goddard
Publisher: Religion and Education journal (2022)
Price: Click below to see journal access charges on publisher’s website

Title: Core Standards of Christian Chaplaincy with Children and Young People (updated and expanded edition 2022)
Editors: Sally Nash and Nigel Roberts
Publisher: Centre for Chaplaincy with Children and Young People
Price: Free download

Title: Responding to God: Christians’ Understandings of Vocation and Calling
Publisher: St Peter’s Saltley Trust (2022)
Price: Free download

Title: Plenty! A six week small group on the economic drivers of climate change/biodiversity loss, from a Christian perspective
Authors: Katherine Hogg/Joy in Enough
Publisher: Joy in Enough/Green Christian (2021)
Price: Free download

Title: #lockdowndisciples: Christian Discipleship during Covid-19
Created by: Ian Jones and Nick Shepherd
Publisher: St Peter’s Saltley Trust (2021)
Price: Free download

Title: ROUNDED: Ready for Life. A Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development Resource for 16-19s
Authors: Simeon Whiting/West Midlands Churches’ FE Council
Publisher: WM Churches’ FE Council (2021)
Price: tbc

Title: Bullying and Belief – Anti-Bullying Toolkit for Primary and Secondary Schools
Created by: Claire Clinton, RE Matters
Publisher: RE Matters, 2020
Price: Free download from NATRE website

Title: The Environment in UK Theological Education Institutions
Editors: Martin and Margot Hodson
Publisher: John Ray Initiative, 2021
Price: Free to download via link

Title: Nurturing Healthy Diversity in Church Schools
Authors: Dan Whisker, Lisa Vickerage Goddard and Stephen Pihlaja
Publisher: Grove Education Series eD44 (2020)
Price: £3.95

Title: Money Makes Change – programme to help Christians and others explore and make ethical changes around money
Authors: JustMoney Movement (formerly ECCR)/Colin Darling
Publisher: JustMoney Movement 2020
Price: Free to download via link

Title: Chaplaincy in Further Education – 5 short introductory films on FE Chaplaincy
Created by: West Midlands Churches’ Further Education Council/Mazo Creative Agency
Publisher: WMCFEC 2019.
Price: Free to view on Youtube

Title: SMSC in Teaching and Learning within Further Education: Curriculum Ideas for the Learning and Skills Sector
Authors: John Wise (former CEO of fbfe) and Ian Jones
Publisher: St Peter’s Saltley Trust (2020)
Price: Free download

Title: ‘What Helps Christians Grow? An Exploratory Study Distinguishing among Four Distinctive Pathways’
Authors: Leslie Francis, David Lankshear, Simon Foster and Ian Jones
Publisher: Pastoral Psychology, published online 1 April 2019 (Springer)
Price: Free to view (read only) via link below

Title: For Richer, for Poorer: A Church Partnership Initiative
Author: Dr Naomi Maynard, Rooted Research
Publisher: Diocese of Lichfield
Price: Free download

Title: Faith Tutorials
Creator: North Warwickshire and South Leicestershire College Chaplaincy Team
Price: Free download
New bespoke website coming soon. Tutorials temporarily available on St Peter’s Saltley Trust website here.

Title: Plumbing the Depths: a Reflective CPD Resource for Chaplains in Further Education, based on the Book of Jonah
Lead Author: Sarah Brush, with additional contributions by Toni Coulton, Chris Polhill and Ian Jones, and with illustrations by Si Smith. Format: pdf and ppt files to download and print at home.
Publisher: West Midlands Churches’ FE Council (2018)
Price: Suggested donation of £9 (to West Midlands Churches’ FE Council)

Title: Christians in Practice: Connecting Discipleship and Community Engagement
Lead Author: Simon Foster
Publisher: St Peter’s Saltley Trust/Church Urban Fund 2017.
Price: Free Download

Title: Challenging Religious Issues: Supporting Religious Studies at A-Level and Beyond (journal)
Editor: Professor Jeff Astley, University of Warwick
Publisher: St Mary & St Giles Centre/St Peter’s Saltley Trust
Price: Free download

Title: Faith in the Public Square in 1941 and 1991: Two Malvern Conferences Reviewed
Author: Ian Jones
Publisher: Journal of Beliefs and Values (Taylor and Francis) published online 5 October 2016
Price: £26 from Taylor and Francis Online (or contact us for limited number of free download codes)

Title: Why Study A-Level Religious Studies? Qualitative Perspectives from Two English Midlands Sixth Forms
Author: Ian Jones
Publisher: Journal of Beliefs and Values (Taylor and Francis) published online 23 Sept 2016
Price: £26 from Taylor and Francis online (or contact us for limited number of free download codes)

Title: What Helps Disciples Grow?
Author: Simon Foster
Publisher: St Peter’s Saltley Trust 2016.
Price: Free Download (or contact us for printed copies at £2 each)

Title: ‘Formation for Mission in Urban Britain: The Birmingham Mission Apprentice Scheme’
Author: Andy Jolley and Ian Jones
Publisher: Journal of Adult Theological Education (Taylor and Francis) 13 (1) 2016
Price: £26 from Taylor and Francis Online (or contact us for limited number of free download codes)

Title: Birmingham Mission Apprentice Scheme Evaluation Report
Author:Ian Jones
Publisher: Church of England Birmingham/St Peter’s Saltley Trust 2014.
Price: Free

Title: The Kingdom at Work
Author: David Clark
Publisher: Fastprint 2014
Price: £8.63 (Kindle) £14.99 (Paperback)

Title: The Future of Religious Education: Prospects and Problems for Religious Education
Author: Stephen Parker
Publisher: The University of Worcester 2013
Price: Free

Title: There is More to Life – Four Session Course on Discipleship in ‘Third Age’
Author: David Primrose, Lindsey Hall, Ian Jones and Manjula Patel
Publisher: Diocese of Lichfield, 2013
Price: Free

Title: Growing through a Vacancy – handbook and brief guide
Author: Bob Jackson
Publisher: CPAS 2013
Price: Handbook: £2.00. Leaflet: 40p per copy

Title: Faith and Work in Theological Education and Training: An Enquiry
Author: Hannah Matthews
Publisher: St Peter’s Saltley Trust 2013.
Price: £6.00 (hardcopy) £4.00 (PDF)

Title: ‘Unemployment and the Response of the Churches: A Historical Conversation’ Crucible: Journal of Church and Society
Author: Ian Jones
Publisher: Crucible/Hymns A&M, 2014
Price: £6.00

Title:About our Father’s Business: A Faith and Work Resources Toolkit
Author: Barbara Hayes and Ian Jones
Publisher: St Peter’s Saltley Trust/Churches’ Industrial Group Birmingham, 2010
Price: Free

Title: ‘Social Protest as Formation for Prophetic Ministry: an Experiment in Transformative Theological Education’ Journal of Adult Theological Education 6:2 (2009)
Author: Ian Jones and Peter Hammersley
Publisher: Journal of Adult Theological Education
Price: £34.00 for 24 hour access

Title: ‘Interpreting Faith to Visitors: Reflections on a Pioneering Faith Guiding Course’, Interreligious Insight 7:3
Author: Ian Jones and Ruth Tetlow
Publisher: Interreligious Insight
Price: See external site for further pricing information

Title: Local Interfaith Organisations and Standing Advisory Councils on Religious Education: Working Together for Understanding and Community Cohesion
Author: Interfaith Network for the UK
Publisher: Interfaith Network for the UK/NASACRE, 2010
Price: Free

Title: Journeying with Christ into the Heart of God: Spiritual Exercises for Disciples Easter through Lent
Editor: Maggie Keane
Publisher: St Peter’s Saltley Trust 2007
Price: £5.00 (Hardcopy) £3.00 (CD)

Title: Believing in the Region: Effective Partnership Working with the Faith Communities: Learning the Lessons
Publisher: (Regional Action West Midlands/NEAFE/St Peter’s Saltley Trust, 2007)
Price: Free

Title: Intercultural Education and Religious Plurality
Author: Robert Jackson and Ursula McKenna
Copyright: Oslo Coalition Occasional Papers 1, 2005
Price: £5.00

Title: Learning for Life: Churches, Partnerships and Sustainable Community Development
Author: Maggie Keane
Publisher: St Peter’s Saltley Trust, 2003
Price: Free

Title: Called to New Life: The World of Lay Discipleship
Author: Board of Education Working Group
Publisher: GS Misc 546, Church House Publishing 1999
Price: £4.95

Title: Local Churches and Community Education: A Guidebook for Involvement
Author: Maggie Keane
Publisher: ACCT/St Peter’s Saltley Trust, 1998
Price: Free

Title: In Secure Attachment: a Spirituality for Local Church Based Development Work
Author: Maggie Keane
Publisher: St Peter’s Saltley Trust, 1997
Price: Free

Title: The People, the Land and the Church: an account of the Second Hereford Rural Consultation 1986
Author: Richard Lewis and Andrew Talbot-Ponsonby
Publisher: Hereford Diocesan Board of Finance, 1987
Price: Available For Loan