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RE Matters has just launched their ‘Bullying and Belief Toolkit’ a pack of resources to support schools to explore the topic of religious bullying. St Peter’s Saltley Trust and Westhill Endowment funding enabled this project (which began in the London…
Our best wishes to you if you are reading this – we hope and pray you will stay safe and well during this challenging time. With pupils now working from home, schools and subject support organisations are putting together more…
Integrating SMSC within Teaching and Learning in Further Education is a resource for FE and Sixth Form College teaching staff, offering ideas and guidance on drawing out the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural implications of their curriculum area. Created out…
Understanding Christianity is a major resource designed to support teaching about Christianity in Religious Education for pupils between the ages of 4 and 14 of all faiths and none. It seeks to help students grasp both the over-arching story of…