We’re making some changes to our work over the next few years, and here’s a first peek and what’s in store (more details will be shared on the Trust’s website after Christmas): WTIHIN the Trust’s existing remit (religious education, faith…
We’re making some changes to our work over the next few years, and here’s a first peek and what’s in store (more details will be shared on the Trust’s website after Christmas): WTIHIN the Trust’s existing remit (religious education, faith…
A project looking at faith in ‘edgy’ and marginal places, and how that faith develops, changes and grows – from the University of Roehampton, in collaboration with St Peter’s Saltley Trust, the Susanna Wesley Foundation, and the Church Mission Society….
If our previous research is correct, around a quarter to a third of churchgoing Christians in England struggle in one way or another with the idea of being ‘called’ or ‘having a vocation’. We wanted to find out more about…
Student Christian Movement’s Sophie Mitchell writes: ‘SCM is a student-led movement inspired by Jesus to act for justice and show God’s love in the world. One of the outcomes that we are working towards is to create, support, and sustain…
Getting involved in their local community helps Christians grow in their faith, according to a survey of more than 1,000 churchgoers in the dioceses of Birmingham and Lichfield. In the study, carried out by St Peter’s Saltley Trust and Church…