West Midlands Churches’ FE Council are pleased to be able to announce the launch of ROUNDED, a new SMSC resource for colleges, designed to help students explore character dispositions which will help prepare them for a rounded and fruitful life.

The six ROUNDED themes are common to many religions and worldviews, in a broad Christian perspective which also invites students of all faiths and beliefs to share their reflections.

Each ROUNDED topic is covered through a 10 minute interactive PowerPoint film and a menu of supporting activities which can be selected according to the size and needs of your group and the time and space available.

ROUNDED is available in a downloadable zip file from the WM Churches’ FE Council website.

You can download the flyer here.

ROUNDED was commissioned by WM Churches’ FE Council created by Simeon Whiting, designed by Mazo Creative agency, with images by Craig Gilman and voice work by Saltmine Theatre Company.  It was produced with grants from St Peter’s Saltley Trust, Jerusalem Trust, Westhill Endowment, St Christopher’s Educational Trust and the Friends Hall Farm Street Trust.