WMCFEC’s new Annual Report is out, with news of all that the Council has been up to during the year. You can find it here.
WMCFEC’s new Annual Report is out, with news of all that the Council has been up to during the year. You can find it here.
West Midlands Churches’ FE Council are pleased to be able to announce the launch of ROUNDED, a new SMSC resource for colleges, designed to help students explore character dispositions which will help prepare them for a rounded and fruitful life….
How might chaplaincy contribute to the lives of students and staff in a Further Education college? How could you be involved? Five short films commissioned by West Midlands Churches’ FE Council, and filmed in three local colleges, give you a…
Phil Metcalf is the West Midlands region’s Further Education Chaplaincy ambassador, a new collaboratively-funded three year role. Since Phil began the role in January 2018, there have been significant developments in promoting new FE chaplaincies. Phil is currently working with…
Ever felt a bit like Jonah? Perhaps you have felt called to do a challenging job – are you getting stuck in? Or running away? Do you sometimes feel swallowed up by the size of the task? Or maybe things…