Our best wishes to you if you are reading this – we hope and pray you will stay safe and well during this challenging time.

With pupils now working from home, schools and subject support organisations are putting together more and more material for home learning.  Several of our current and recent project partners have free RE resources available to support RE learning:

REToday/NATRE have this page of resources for KS1, KS2, KS3 and KS4, plus some additional resources, and a chance to submit an entry for this year’s Spirited Arts competition.

Challenging Religious Issues is a free journal suitable for A-Level Religious Studies students, with articles written by experts and directly linked to topics covered in the main RE syllabi.  You can download recent issue from our website here, or find the complete back catalogue on the St Mary’s Centre website.

Youth for Christ have a large amount of material on their RE:Quest and Re:Start websites (the latter for Key Stage 1, the former for upper key stages).  You can find a landing page here – the tabs at the top of the page direct you to either site.

Faith Tutorials is a bank of free to download resources created for FE Colleges by the chaplaincy team at N. Warks and S. Leics College.  The 24 tutorials cover many key festivals of the world’s major faiths, along with a number of general moral/ethical topics.  Each tutorial comes in the form of a lesson plan and resource sheets for tutors to use.  We’re gradually adding topics to a temporary site here, pending the launch of new, bespoke website later in the year.

iSingPop is a primary school music project bringing together school, church and community.  In normal times, the centrepiece of their work is the opportunity for schools to book an iSingPop week for their pupils, in which pupils rehearse, perform and record their own album of songs focused on the theme of particular Christian values.  In lockdown, iSingPop have been worked hard at producing online content for schools.  Each weekly episode, produced as part of the Church of England’s Faith at Home initiative (launched on 30 April), explores a different Christian value or virtue through songs, sketches and more.  You can see the first episode here.