Some of our current and recent project partners are generating or collecting together some thought-provoking material in response to the current crisis. We’ll keep updating this page, as more is released. [NB: views expressed do not constitute an official position of Saltley Trust]
The John Ray Initiative, who are currently developing an eco-theological educators’ network with small grant funding from the Trust, have developed a Coronavirus Hub on their website, collecting together various article and blog postings exploring the ecological roots and implications of the COVID-19 crisis.
The Arthur Rank Centre, who are planning a series of Trust-funded conversations on theology, food and consumption, have created a rurual resource hub, Together Apart, featuring government advice and guidelines for rural communities, practical action, worship resources and weekly reflections.
ECCR, who have just launched the Money Makes Change resource on ethical money (funded by the Trust) have some reflections and suggestions of reflective activities during the COVID-19 crisis on their website – visit their blog page for more.
Student Christian Movement (whose student discipleship projects the Trust has been funding) have developed SCMSoc – student online communities. You’ll need to be a student, and to sign up here.
St Andrew’s Church Rubgy have been developing a pioneering ‘Muddy Church’ bringing together family learning for discipleship with care for creation. During Lent 2020, the church’s lent groups have been reflecting on faith, covid-19 and climate emergency. You can read the reflections here.
About 7 years ago we did a partnership project on ‘Growing through a Vacancy’ with Ven. Bob Jackson and CPAS. Bob and former Lichfield Diocese Director of Mission George Fisher have recently released Everybody Welcome Online, a study of what we are learning so far about welcoming people to church and creating virtual worship during lockdown.
Our former research associate Simon Foster has been posting some interesting reflections on communion and community in lockdown on his blog, Worship, Community, Formation.
And from Further Afield…
The Diocese of Derby‘s Discipleship Training team have produced Sustaining Spiritual Health in Isolation – four short modules on prayer, discipleship, worship and mission for use by individuals and groups. The first three are online now – the fourth will be added shortly.