C of E’s new report on Further Education launched

By April 29, 2021 Blog

On 29 April the Church of England launched their new report on the Church’s engagement with the Further Education sector… and we’re in it!  Vocation, Transformation and Hope recommends local churches take an intentional approach to partnering with their local college through chaplaincy or other forms of shared contribution to the life of the community.  It’s also recommended that Anglican dioceses build a strategy for FE into their strategic planning, and revitalise a network of paid or voluntary FE development officers – a bit like the WM’s own FE Chaplaincy Ambassador, which is being co-funded by the Dioceses of Coventry and Lichfield, the Heart of England Baptist Association, URC West Midlands Synod and St Peter’s Saltley Trust.

You can read a summary and download the full report here.