By April 12, 2016 Blog

Apparently on this day in 1931, the first edition of the Highway Code was published.  On the same day in 2016, we’ve taken receipt of two new Trust publications!

The first delivery was a pile of boxes containing pristine copies of What Helps Disciples Grow, Simon Foster’s research with 1200 church members in the West Midlands region.  The report will be launched at our What Helps Disciples Grow? event next Tuesday, 19th April, and will be available for download from our website the same week.

As if that wasn’t exciting enough, the latest issue of the Journal of Adult Theological Education, out today, contains an article on the Birmingham Mission Apprentice Scheme, a previous Trust-funded project, co-written by one of the Scheme’s original instigators, Andy Jolley, and Trust director Ian Jones. If you’re interested to read it, get in touch and we can forward you the e-print link.